Alcohol and other Drugs Policy

Alcohol and other Drugs Policy

Saba Alcohol and other Drugs policy

    • As an organisation, we are committed to providing and maintaining a safe, healthy and productive

Alcohol and drug abuse is a major contributor to workplace injuries, disability, and thousands of lost work hours and
productivity. This policy serves to ensure that our network is free of alcohol abuse and other illegal drugs. This
company will not tolerate the use of alcohol and drug abuse and we take the matter seriously in the interest of the
protection of our drivers, users, and the public at large.

The company absolutely prohibits the use of drugs (non-prescription) and alcohol while the Saba driver is activated
online. The company also discourages the use of illegal alcohol even when the driver app is offline. The use, sale,
possession of alcohol and illegal drugs while performing Saba duties will result in disciplinary action, suspension,
deactivation from the network. The company will not compromise on public safety. The company may also involve legal
authorities in your jurisdiction.

The company requires that all drivers do their service in appropriate mental and physical conditions. It is the
company’s intent and obligation to provide a drug-free, healthful, and safe work environment. Saba reserves the
right to
demand a drug or alcohol test of any driver based upon reasonable suspicion. Reasonable suspicion includes, but is
limited to, physical evidence of use, involvement in an accident, or substantial unsafe driving.

Failure to take the test may lead to discipline and suspension including possible termination or deactivation.

The company also cautions against the use of prescribed or over-the-counter medication which can affect workplace
performance. You may be suspended or terminated if the company concludes that you cannot do your duties safely or
properly because of using over-the-counter or prescribed medication. Please inform Saba by email listed on the
prior to working under the influence of prescribed or over-the-counter medication use that may affect your

All Saba contracted drivers must report any conviction under a criminal drug statute for violations on duty or off
or off the company premises while performing the company duties. A report of a conviction must be made within 30
(thirty) days after the conviction.

  • The objectives of this policy are to:
  1. reduce the likelihood of injury and damage resulting from the misuse of alcohol and/or drugs
    (including prescription drugs);
  2. provide drivers with an understanding of the behaviour expected of them during working hours;
  3. ensure that drivers who are consuming alcohol or other drugs out of work hours, don’t do so in a way that
    impacts on their work – for example, through a hangover; and
  4. explain how incidents will be handled when an driver is demonstrating signs and symptoms that deem them
    not fit for work.

    • This policy applies to all drivers.
    • This policy applies in all work locations.

The effects of alcohol and drug use can be long lasting, including through
Substance use outside of work hours may influence an employee’s performance at work, including negatively impacting
their performance in the workplace and their ability to drive safely.

Liability and workers’ compensation

The Saba will not accept liability for any damage to a company vehicle, an injury to another person, or damage to
property if an employee’s use of alcohol and/or drugs contributed to the incident. The contractor
(driver) will be personally liable in such circumstances.

Annex A

(Drivers in Australia)

Australia drivers only: Drivers should be aware that under the Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation
(Vic) they might not be entitled to workers’ compensation if they sustain an injury whilst being under
influence of alcohol and/or drugs.


Being a professional driver can have many challenges. If you feel like you’re struggling, it’s important to take
advantage of the many free services that could help you get back on track, including:


Confidential alcohol and drug telephone counselling and referral to treatment services.

T: 1800 888 236 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)

Beyond Blue

Support for depression, anxiety and other mental health problems.

T: 1300 22 4636 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) (chat online or email 24 hours a day, 7 days a week)

Hello Sunday Morning

Be supported by other people who want to cut back or stop drinking alcohol through an online forum.

Txt the Effects

Text the name of a drug, it doesn’t matter if it’s a slang name or not, and get an instant text back with its
Standard SMS costs apply.

SMS: 0439 TELL ME (0439 835 563) (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)

1800 Ice Advice

The help line – 1800 Ice Advice will direct users and families to the treatment and support services they need and
provide general information about ice and its effects.

T: 1800 423 238 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)

DH Media Services Pty Ltd and affiliates, 31st July 2024
